command | description | example |
ls |
cat |
cd |
pwd |
mkdir |
file |
cp |
mv |
rm |
ln |
chmod |
chown |
find |
locate |
du |
df |
dd |
mount/umount |
more/less |
haid/tail |
grep |
sed |
awk |
cut |
| cut -d' ' |
sort |
uniq |
wc |
diff |
vi/vim/nano |
command | description |
systemctl |
journalctl |
shutdown |
top / htop |
ps / pgrep / pstree |
pstree |
kill / xkill / pkill / killall |
renice |
time / uptime / w | prints a summary of the current activity on the system, including what each user is doing, and their process |
lsof |
free |
df |
strace |
iostat / pidstat / vmstat |
findmnt |
su / sudo |
date |
alias |
env |
useradd, userdel, usermod |
passwd |
groupadd / groupdel / groupmod |
| groupadd -g group-ID group-name |
gpasswd |
getent | display who is a member of a group | getent group group-name |
id / groups |
visudo |
man / whatis |
whereis | get executable path |
netstat |
netcat |
iptables |
ip |
ping |
nslookup |
ifconfig |
ifup / ifdown |
dig |
lsof -i | reveal information about your network sockets |
traceroute |
telnet |
ssh |
scp |
nmap |
rpm |
yum |
apt |
pip |
uname |
top |
free |
df |
iostat |
pidstat |
vmstat |
df -Th |
lsblk |
fdisk -l | show partitions |
pvs | list out the physical volumes in an LVM group |
vgs | list out the volume groups within an LVM group |
lvs | List out the logical volumes within an LVM group |
parted |
journalctl |
less /var/log/auth.log (DEBIAN-based operating systems) less /var/log/secure (RHEL-based operating systems) journalctl SYSLOG_FACILITY=10 | get user's sudo history |
2. Copy, cut and paste,_cut_and_paste
Physical drive
optical drive /dev/sda
logical volume: A logical volume created by the LVM is a logical storage device which can span multiple physical volumes.
partition /dev/sda1
A volume is created on a dynamic disk -- a logical structure that can span multiple physical disks -- while a partition is created on a basic disk.
Disk = A block device = A storage device, e.g. SSD, hard disk
A section of a storage device is called as partition which is in no way filesystem that what is done to it via OS.
As to meaning of the volume, there are 2 types either physical or logical.
A physical volume from the point of view of your computer a physical hard disc.
A logical volume is a logical disc which may spread across multiple physical discs.
The easiest way to think of a physical volume (PV) is that it is a physical partition that has a partition type of “Linux LVM” (type 8e - fdisk or type 8e00 - gdisk) and has been "marked" as a PV using pvcreate
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