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Kubernetes Security Best Practices

A step-by-step checklist to secure Kubernetes clusters for reliable service offering.


Kubernetes has become the de facto operating system of the cloud. However, Kubernetes can be challenging to operate. Teams often put off addressing security processes until they are ready to deploy code into production.

Kubernetes requires a new approach to security earlier in the development cycle. Doing it later in the development life cycle slows down the pace of cloud adoption, while raising security and compliance risks.

This Kubernetes Security Guide is designed to give you the information you need to implement Kubernetes security and container security at scale. Youโ€™ll get a deeper understanding of:

  • Securing container images in a CI/CD pipeline
  • Securing the Kubernetes Control Plane
  • Reducing risk with Role-Based Access Control
  • Securing Pods with Pod Security Policies
  • Securing cloud-native workloads at runtime

When addressing Kubernetes security, it is nearly impossible to separate the Kubernetes cluster from the other layers of cloud computing. These layers include the application or code itself, the container image, the Kubernetes cluster, and the cloud or networking layer as shown in the image below. Each layer builds on the previous layer, and all layers must be secured to achieve defense in depth.

Cloud Native Security Layers

Cloud Native / Kubernetes Security Layers

Kubernetes Security Issues and DevOps

Another way to think more specifically about Kubernetes security from a developer point of view is to look at it across three distinct stages of the DevOps pipeline:

  • Creating the container image during the build
  • Configuring the Kubernetes infrastructure during deployment
  • Securing network communication in production

Ensure That Images Are Free of Vulnerabilities

Implement Continuous Security Vulnerability Scanning

Regularly Apply Security Updates to Your Environment

Enforce admission policies

Ensure That Only Authorized Images are Used in Your Environment

Limit Direct Access to Kubernetes Nodes

Create Administrative Boundaries between Resources
Define Resource Quota
Implement Network Segmentation

Apply Security Context to Your Pods and Containers

Log Everything

Upgrade to the latest version

Enable Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Use Namespaces to Establish Security Boundaries

Separate Sensitive Workloads

Run a Cluster-wide Pod Security Policy

Harden Node Security

Turn on Audit Logging


Network Policy

Network Policy Editor for Kubernetes makes it easy to build, visualize, and make sense of Network Policies, which can then be downloaded as YAML and run in any Kubernetes cluster with a Network Policy-aware CNI.


Founder of The DevOps Bootcamp | Senior DevSecOps Engineer | Certified Kubernetes Developer, Administrator and Security Specialist